Together We Build Dreams
On my journey to election, the hardest challenges had always been to make the decision to go, to believe in my abilities.
- Name: Corine Mirlin
- Country: France
- Organisation: Fédération Française du Sport d’Entreprise
- Elected position: Secretary General
- How long have you been in your current position? 2 years
To begin with, please tell us a little about yourself.
Corine Mirlin: “I am a lawyer in business law. As a committed citizen, I am invested in the city of biarritz with associative responsibilities.
My passion for sport led me to be involved in the sports world. I played an important role in the develoment of the tennis in the region and have been involved in the organisation of the Open Engie Biarritz Pays basque (international women’s tournament endowed with 100,000 dollars) for 5 years. I am also the Secretary General of the New Aquitaine League of Company Sport since January 2015. In March 2017, I have been elected to the Executive Committee of the French Federation for Company Sport (FFSE) as Deputy Secretary General, responsible for the status and regulations commission and member of the women and sports commission.“
Can you tell us about your “Why” and how you came to leadership position?
CM: “I think I have human and benevolent qualities to lead and a willingness to share.”
What is it you want to achieve and what made you decide on your professional and personal pathway?
CM: “I strive to communicate and federate with others because we mutually enrich each other and share.”
How do you achieve your goals and keep up with the fast-changing society?
CM: “I am convinced of the usefulness of my actions and choices. In addition I overcome obstacles by reflecting on choices. To get rid of stress, I play sports !!“
Who inspires you? And why?
CM: “I work in a mixed environment, and the most inspiring people are those who believe in my abilities before I realize it myself”
What kind of resources has proven to be the best help throughout your journey ? And where did you find them?
CM: “My resources are drawn from exchanges and the strength of ideas.
I bring priority to my place of life. I believe that to be a leader, one must reach a natural recognition of one’s own.“
When did your leadership story begin and where is it now?
Corine Mirlin: “I started 25 years ago at 30 years old lightly because of children. And I have grown over time and gained confidence.
In particular, I was able to go further 10 years ago when my children were older.
Today, I can fully commit myself.“
What was the most difficult challenge you had to overcome in your election journey? How did you overcome it?
CM: “The hardest challenges had been to make the decision to go, to believe in my abilities. I had the chance to meet people who pushed me and who trusted me.“
Finally, what words of advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?
Corine Mirlin: “Go for it! Listen to your desires to dare and to try. Don’t wait for the years to pass and the maturity to come.“
Are you curious to read more about why women in elected decison making position is a hot topic of sport governance? Have a look here