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Case Studies Leadership Programme

The EquallyAmazing Charter by the European Hockey Federation

By 21 December 2020No Comments

The EquallyAmazing Charter was released in June 2019 by the European Hockey Federation, as part of its 50th year anniversary. It recommends actions to help member associations achieve more gender equality

Brief outline of the initiative

The European Hockey Federation supports the IOC gender standards and recommendations for gender balance. Gender Balance is not just about stating everything is equal, we must protect the characteristics of everyone. By promoting fairness and justice by giving everyone equal access to the same opportunities. The principles of this charter use good practice measures from multiple sectors, including charitable, private and sporting organisations.

It embeds two areas of implementation:

  • Gender Balance in leadership positions
  • Gender Balance across participation

The charter will help ensure the development of National Associations.

Each Federation is recommended to adopt the EquallyAmazing Charter for gender balance. The EHF will work with all National Associations to develop a strategic long-term approach that is unique for each NA, to work towards and maintain gender balance opportunities across the European Hockey family.

The EHF Charter aims to ensure everyone, at every level from the boardroom to the pitch, gets access to the same opportunities, no matter gender, age, race, religion or skill level.






EHF internal funds



Key elements


Women and men

Country of origin

Belgium (where EHF is based)

Country/Region of implementation

All member associations (45+ active)

Number of participants

Entire European Hockey family

Core objective of the Programme

☐ Women empowerment (identifying barriers and working on strengths, creating a community)
☒ Supporting organizational change (strategy for developing diversity, implementation of specific policies, support to change makers)
☐ Allies buy-in and support (mentors, men championing)
☐ External Scrutiny (Pledge board, Indicators, celebration of success…)
☐ Other => Please specify:

Actions implemented

☒ Internal Diversity & Inclusion Strategy for a safe workplace with equal rights (please specify) EquallyAmazing charter to be released in June. It will recommend actions to help member associations achieve more gender equality
☒ Commitment of men - please specify: Marketing Campaign includes both men and women discussing the importance of gender equality. Charter asks for buy in from National Association leaders (most of whom are men)
☐ Personal development training - please specify:
☐ Role model highlighted
☐ Networking (women network, men network or mixed) - please specify:
☐ Mentoring (unique or mixed gender, please specify) (experienced & wise guide)
☐ Coaching (ability to inspire and grow people/Foster emulation/ Being influential)
☐ Events (sharing with other companies) - please specify:
☐ Other - please specify:


☐ Online e-learning Module
☐ Online seminar
☐ Workshops
☐ Conference
☐ Self-Assessment tool
☐ Consolidated educational/training programme
☒ Other - Please specify: Charter and marketing campaign + Individualized support to Member Federations

Identified Key Success Factors

- Marketing campaign focuses on men and women throughout all levels of hockey (grassroots, elite, players, board members)

Transferable bites/elements

- Adaptation of international standards and methods to a specific context


I want everyone to have the same opportunities and by agreeing to a long-term strategy for Gender Balance. With the support of our European member National Federations, we can ensure this together.
The charter will work to advance gender balance in leadership and participation including volunteering, coaching, umpiring, playing and administration.

Marijke FleurenEHF President

#EquallyAmazing is so important for the future generations of the sport because it gives equal opportunities at every level, whether that is the boardroom, grassroots, or even just playing on the pitch itself.

Maddie HinchMBE, International Field Hockey Player

We have worked over the past two years to set out this position. The consistency of this charter is something I will ensure.
It will be immersed and will be apparent across all EHF governance and activity, be it competitions, development or education. It is our own responsibility to work on gender balance by leading by example.

Angus KirklandEHF Director General

Any additional information you deem relevant regarding this Leadership Programme

The main areas of content are of the training provided though the Programme EVE  by Danone are:

  • How negotiate obstacles to cooperation
  • Live in peace with stereotypes
  • Inspiring women/ Women who dare
  • Positive leadership
  • Centred leadership
  • Non-violent communication
  • Giving purpose
  • Dare to live our values
  • Happiness mindset
  • Mindfulness experience

Organisation’s strategy to adress Women Empowerment

  • Another Program to empower people and initiated by Danone: Octave program (focusing on generations, new organizational modes required with digital expansion).

The Motto of Octave is: “Dare being yourself and being an actor in a changing world” (50% women/ 50% men in the program)

  • Initiatives around Diversity & Inclusion at Danone (women & men equal rights access)
  • Trainings (various internal in the company, depending women’s needs)
  • Mentoring sessions
  • Intrapreneurship. Danone corporate culture promotes initiatives. Taking the lead of such projects empower women through these actions.

Source of information: Interview + Online documentation

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An initiative selected as a case study of the SWinG library of leadership development initiatives.  

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